Announcing a Parcl DAO Vote


July 30, 2024

Announcing the Vote for New Rental Price Markets on Parcl DAO

The Parcl DAO is excited to announce an upcoming vote to include new rental price markets on the Parcl platform! As part of our commitment to community-driven decision-making, PRCL stakers will have the opportunity to vote on which markets should be added next. This vote is a crucial step in shaping the future of the Parcl ecosystem and ensuring that it reflects the interests and preferences of our community.

New Real-Time Rental Price Feeds

Recently, Parcl launched a product featuring real-time rental price feeds. This innovative tool allows users to observe and gain exposure to rental price changes in North America and eventually globally, providing strategic trading opportunities. You can read more about this exciting development here.

Voting Details

PRCL stakers will be eligible to vote on which rental price markets to include next. The following markets are up for vote:

  • Boston
  • Miami Beach
  • Miami City
  • Pittsburgh
  • NYC
  • Brooklyn

$PRCL stakers can vote Yes or No on each market, some or none. The two markets with the most Yes votes will be added to tradable status on the Parcl dApp.

How to Participate

Staking: To participate in the vote, ensure that your PRCL tokens are staked before the next epoch. Each epoch begins on Thursday at 00:00 UTC. It is important to stake your tokens via this link and not via the Realms interface.

Voting: You can vote via the new Realms interface here. The proposal is intended to go live on August 2, at 10:00 UTC.

Why Staking Matters

Staking is foundational to align the ecosystem long-term and will underpin each of the core utilities of PRCL. Staking will effectively unlock all participation in the Parcl ecosystem, including governance, existing and future protocol incentives, and Parcl Labs data API access.

Important Dates

  • Voting Period: Voting will be open for 7 days.
  • Staking Deadline: Make sure to stake your tokens before the start of the next epoch on Thursday at 00:00 UTC.

Community Discussions

Discussions around the vote can take place in the Parcl Discourse. Join the conversation here.

We encourage all eligible PRCL holders to stake their tokens to participate in this first vote and help shape the platform's future. Your input is invaluable in ensuring that Parcl continues to meet the needs and interests of the broader community.

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm.

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